
A limerick poem is a funny little poem containing five lines. 
It has a very distinctive rhythm and rhyme pattern.

Here is a very famous limerick Notice both the rhyme and rhythm patterns.

There was an old man from Peru,                       (A) 
da DUM da da DUM da da DUM (3 DUMS)
who dreamed he was eating his shoe.                 (A) 
da DUM da da DUM da da DUM (3 DUMS)
He awoke in the night                                        (B)
da DUM da da DUM (2 DUMS)
with a terrible fright,                                          (B)
da da DUM da da DUM (2 DUMS)
and found out that it was quite true.                   (A) 
da DUM da da DUM da da DUM (3 DUMS).

When you write a limerick, make sure that it has the same AABBA rhyme pattern as bove. Make sure it also has the same 3 DUMS, 3 DUMS, 2 DUMS, 2 DUMS, 3 DUMS rhythm pattern, too. To be sure, recite the poem, substituting “da” for all unaccented or unstressed syllables and “DUM” for all accented or stressed syllables, as I have done above. If your poem doesn’t have a similar rhythm pattern, then you need to make some adjustments.

Ideas for new limericks can come from almost anywhere. For example, your city, state, country, or name. If your name is Tim or Jim, you could write something like this:

A Clumsy Young Fellow Named Tim

There once was a fellow named Tim (A)
whose dad never taught him to swim. (A)
He fell off a dock (B)
and sunk like a rock. (B)
And that was the end of him. (A)

Notice that the rhyme pattern (AABBA) and the rhythm pattern (3 DUMS, 3 DUMS, 2 DUMS, 2 DUMS, 3 DUMS) are almost identical to the rhythm and rhyme patterns in the “Man from Peru” limerick.


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